Τρίτη 24 Μαρτίου 2020

Today's Daily Quarantine Planner is brought to you by Brew Editorial Coordinator Jamie Wilde. Morning Brew

Today's Daily Quarantine Planner is brought to you by Brew Editorial Coordinator Jamie Wilde. As you'll see, she's got some excellent taste.

 Quick morning workout

Let's do some yoga: Repeat Sun Salutation 5x, end in mountain pose, take five deep breaths, and set a simple goal for the day, like "brush my teeth before 1pm."

 Events happening in cyberspace

  • TED Connects is going live with hopeful experts weekdays at noon ET. Today, it's Bill Gates. 
  • Diplo's DJing from home all week (again)

 Work playlists

 Lunch break, but make it productive

 Dinner plans

  • Expectation: Make kimchi fried rice. Here's my favorite recipe, but saute some bacon and garlic between steps 1 and 2.
  • Reality: Warm up a Costco croissant. Tear in half and stuff a square of dark chocolate into each side. 

 Evening activities

No screen: You don't need a feather quill to try faux calligraphy. Once you get the basics down, you can build out a bullet journal to add some structure to your socially distanced days, or just send your grandparents a nice letter.
Screen: There's a reason everyone's buying the videogame Animal Crossing: New Horizons—you don't have to leave your house to hop on a Dodo Airlines flight. Set up your island, save up your Nook Miles, and come visit me. Here's my Dodo Code: 54SGT.

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