Τετάρτη 30 Μαΐου 2018

Top 10 Online Stores in the United States

Top 10 Online Stores in the United States
According to estimates from Statista’s ecommerceDB, a database covering more than 6,000 online stores worldwide, Amazon is by far the largest online shopping destination in the U.S. with net sales (excl. those by third party sellers) amounting to $52.8 billion in 2017.
As our chart illustrates, no company comes even close to matching Amazon’s footprint in the U.S. eCommerce landscape. Second-placed Walmart sold $14 billion worth of merchandise online last year, which is less than a third of Amazon’s haul. Learn more.

Skill shift: Automation and the future of the workforce

Σάββατο 19 Μαΐου 2018

SNAPCHAT VS. FACEBOOK Attack of the Clones

Attack of the Clones
On Wednesday, the share price of Snapchat’s parent company Snap closed at $10.57, the lowest it’s been since the company went public with much fanfare in March 2017. It may be a coincidence, but it is certainly fitting that on the same day that Snap’s shares hit a new low, Facebook announced that Facebook Stories, one of many features it copied from Snapchat, now has 150 million daily active users. Read more.

Παρασκευή 18 Μαΐου 2018


When Europeans fly the nest

Figures from Eurostat have revealed the average age at which young people leave their parent's house in Europe. At the top of the list is Montenegro where the nest is generally flown at the ripe age of 32.5. This is also indicative of the trend that young people in the more southern nations tend to stay with their parents for longer, with Croatia, Slovakia and Italy all at the top of the ranking. At the bottom, the north of the continent is represented by Finland, Denmark and Sweden.
Infographic: When Europeans fly the nest | Statista


Τετάρτη 16 Μαΐου 2018

These Companies Are Testing Self-Driving Cars in California

Apple's Autonomous Driving Ambitions
California, a hotspot for self-driving research and development, recently published a list of how many autonomous vehicles are currently registered for test-driving in the sunshine state. Surprisingly Apple, an industry outsider, is second on that list with 55 vehicles approved for testing on California’s public roads. The Cupertino-based company hasn’t done any autonomous test-driving last year, according to the DMV’s database of mandatory autonomous vehicle disengagement reports for 2017. Read more.

Δευτέρα 14 Μαΐου 2018

Tourism Accounts For 11% Of Spain's GDP

Tourism Accounts For 11% Of Spain's GDP 
Some countries feel the impact of holidaymakers more than others and according to recent OECD data, Spain can always expect a healthy economic boost from its tourism industry. Last year, its warm climate, popular beaches, vibrant culture and efficient infrastructure attracted 82 million tourists, making it the second most visited country worldwide. All of those visitors spent a whopping €87 billion, according to the Spanish government. Given those figures, it comes as no major surprise that the Spanish tourist industry is crucial to the country's economy. The OECD's report entitled "OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2018", found that in 2016, tourism accounted for 11 percent of Spain's GDP. Read more.

Τετάρτη 9 Μαΐου 2018



Τρίτη 8 Μαΐου 2018

The EU's Current Long Term Budget

The EU's Current Long Term Budget 
The European Commission has said that the €1 trillion budget from 2014 to 2020 is equivalent to each of the EU's 440 million citizens buying one cup of coffee a day. Broken down, 39 percent of the current seven-year budget is allocated for sustainable growth and natural resources. That includes agriculture, rural development, fisheries and the environment. 34 percent is set aside for economic, social and territorial cohesion. That takes into account research and innovation, IT technology, small and medium sized enterprise, transport, employment and climate change among other factors. Read more.

Δευτέρα 7 Μαΐου 2018


The Most Philanthropy Dollars

U.S. Controls The Most Philanthropy Dollars 
Philanthropic institutions tend to be highly concentrated in Europe, North America and generally high-income countries. 154,271 were identified in Europe while a further 91,850 are present in North America. Unsurprisingly, considering the huge amount of foundations across the globe, they control a serious amount of wealth. As can be seen from the following infographic, most of it is concentrated in the United States where foundations hold $890 billion in assets. Read more.

Τρίτη 1 Μαΐου 2018

Gen Z: In search of the optimal shopping experience (IBM. COM)

In search of the optimal shopping experience

Gen Z shoppers are full of surprises. On the one hand, they want what their parents want — seamless delivery of retail essentials, such as value, choice, quality, convenience and availability. On the other hand, as digital natives, they have their own expectations for how they want those essentials delivered. Technology is important to them, but only if it adds value and enhances their shopping experience. And they expect to be able to make that experience uniquely their own. Brands would do well to act now: while only 36 percent of Gen Z shoppers in our study said they had a strong connection to a brand, the number increased to 46 percent among those aged 19-21. The potential benefits are great, but the window of time for winning over this new and important generation is closing fast.