Τετάρτη 31 Ιανουαρίου 2018


Airbnb And Hotel Prices In Comparison 
German hotel reservation website HRS recently released data on hotel prices in various cities, finding that New York is the most expensive, with a room averaging $306 a night. Website AirDNA tracks and analyzes the Airbnb market and according to their data, a room booked through the service would only average $187 a night by comparison. That would give travelers an extra $119 in their back pocket to splurge on all The Big Apple has to offer. Of course, cooking in an Airbnb and avoiding restaurants could also save a couple more bucks. Read more

Δευτέρα 15 Ιανουαρίου 2018

People in Greece work the most hours of any European country with 2,042 every year on average.

Greek workers were sometimes labeled as over-paid, lazy and eager to retire early after the financial crisis struck but those accusations were certainly unfounded. People in Greece work the most hours of any European country with 2,042 every year on average. 

U.S. workers put in a 1,779 hour shift every year while across the border in Canada, the annual total adds up to 1,691. French workers get a much better deal with 1,482 hours while in Germany, the total only comes to 1,371.

Greek frustration about waves of crippling austerity becomes understandable when their working hours are taken into consideration. In fact, according to OECD, Greek workers put in the longest shifts in the EU, putting Germany and the Netherlands to shame. Read more on the Independent.
Infographic: Greeks work the longest hours in Europe | Statista
Infographic: Who Works The Most Hours Every Year?  | Statista


The Countries Drinking the Most Beer

When it comes to drinking beer, no one beats the Czechs. A new study by Statista has revealed how much beer people in selected countries consumed last year. In 2017, the average Czech drank 137.38 liters, a huge amount more than second-placed Poland with 98.06. In fact, Eastern European countries dominate the top list. The U.S. makes it into twelfth with 74.90 liters.
Infographic: The Countries Drinking the Most Beer | Statista

Δευτέρα 8 Ιανουαρίου 2018

Landline Phones Are a Dying Breed (STATISTA)

Landline Loss
As smartphones have become a constant companion for most people in the United States, landline phones are rapidly losing their relevance. In 2004, more than 90 percent of households in the U.S. had an operational landline phone - now it’s (significantly) less than 50 percent. That’s according to data provided by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, which has been tracking phone ownership in the U.S. as a by-product of its biannual National Health Interview Survey since 2004. Read more here.

Παρασκευή 5 Ιανουαρίου 2018

Most And Least Trusted Professions (cbInsights)

The following infographic shows a selection of the occupations examined by Gallup. 82 percent of respondents think nurses have high or very high honesty and ethical standards, ahead of military officers with 71 percent. Grade school teachers comes third with 66 percent saying they are highly trustworthy. Healthcare professions are associated with honesty with medical doctors and pharmacists both scoring high with an excess of 60 percent saying they have high or very high honesty and ethical standards. 

Judges and clergy are in the middle of the honesty league while the whole fake news storm has resulted in newspaper and tv reporters struggling for trust. Lobbyists are at the very bottom of the infographic with only 8 percent of those polled feeling they have high levels of honesty.
Infographic: America's Most And Least Trusted Professions  | Statista

Πέμπτη 4 Ιανουαρίου 2018

Wage Growth Around the World in 2018 (statista)

Wage Growth Around the World in 2018

Analyzing OECD data, the London-based Trades Union Congress (TUC) has prepared forecasts for wage growth in developed economies over the coming year. It's good news for a number of Eastern European countries, with Hungary, Latvia and Poland expected to see the largest increases at 4.9, 4.1 and 3.8 percent, respectively. Tougher times await those in the soon-to-be-divorced UK though, where real wages are projected to shrink by a potentially punishing 0.7 percent. The U.S. is on the positive side of the chart, with a 1.2 percent jump upwards predicted to be on its way.
Infographic: Wage Growth Around the World in 2018 | Statista